OHSHITA Shin Detailed biography
1962 born in Saitama
1986 Graduate Hitotsubashi University
1986-1987 Fuji Bank
1997 Start his practice
   Shin Ohshita is a counsel to Tokyo-Hirakawa,LLP. He has domestic experience in product liability and intellectual property infringement cases. He is supporting the insurance companies in term of moral hazard. Mr. Ohshita has been responsible for litigation matters on intellectual property matters, e.g. trademark, patents, copyright. He is always communicating with his clients before going to courts. He is willing to listen to his clients’ assertion to prepare documents to be filed before courts. He has been responsible for finance, real estate, law issues and labor issues.

Professional Admissions:
Member of Tokyo Bar Association

Main Achievements:
   Outside auditor of corporation for managing apartments.
  (c) 2006 TOKYO-HIRAKAWA Patent/Law Office
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